HELP - Digital Campfire


Join Digital Campfire and be part of the biggest gathering of Scouts worldwide!

What is Digital Campfire?

The image from your webcam is capture into a photo every 15 seconds. After the photo is taken its automatically been send to After receives your photo your photo is places in the gallery. Together with all other Scouts that are sending photos you are part of the biggest gathering of Scouts world wide.

It is very simple! Try it!

You can start using Digital Campfire in 4 very simple steps:

  1. Login: login
  2. Go to “Digital Campfire” in the menu.
  3. Follow the intructions (Allow Webcam access)
  4. See your photo.

Digital Campfire Mobile follows the latest trends on the Internet. Video with HTML5 is on of those trends which makes it possible to capture video from a smart phone camera. With Digital Campfire Mobile you can try out all these new HTML5 features and allows you to create a wireless camera in seconds. Simply turn your smart phone into a webcam and send your mobile photo to the Digital Campfire automatically.

Login and try it yourself! login

Not all web browsers and devices are supported. It depends on the software version and hardware model. In the table below you see which platforms are supported.

Android 4+iPhone,iPadBlackBerry 10Google Chrome version 29+not supportedBlackBerry Browser 10.0 only

source: (see Media Capture Stream (getUserMedia) in the table)

Example photo

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